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Catholic Education in France in the Interwar Period: Religious Life, Religious Orders, Adaptations. Research perspectives


Teaching congregations. Religious practices. Women congregations. Catholic Church. Social history.

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TEINTURIER, Sara. Catholic Education in France in the Interwar Period: Religious Life, Religious Orders, Adaptations. Research perspectives. Pro-Posições, Campinas, SP, v. 28, n. 3, p. 353–373, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The history of French teaching congregations during the twentieth century is quite unknown. Nevertheless, their experiences are of very high interest for historians who want to focus on social and religious transformations in contemporary societies. This research outlines two important events through some congregational archives: first, from World War I onwards, the return of the people who were forced into exile due to the Republican laws (1880s-1905); second, the way a Catholic group of women teachers, who decided to stay in France in spite of the Republican laws, adapted to this new context. Eventually, this article shows both internal and external adaptations of religious actors and institutions in modern societies, and its consequences on their legal, canonical and sociological situation.


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