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About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The International Journal of Higher Education (RIESup), published by the GIEPES Research Group of the Faculty of Education of the State University of Campinas (Campinas, SP) in partnership with the Ibero-American Network of Studies and Research on Higher Education Policies and Processes - RIEPPES - University of West of Santa Catarina State, has as mission to socialize the production of scientific studies and research, of theoretical or empirical character, in the area of higher education. It is an electronic publication dedicated to the publication of articles from the national and international scientific community that investigates issues of interest in the higher education field. It aims to contribute to the training of researchers in the higher education field through the dissemination of research and studies carried out by educators, linked to national and international institutions. Articles, experience reports, communications, research studies and essays by peer-reviewed authors, specially invited by the Editorial Board, are published in Portuguese/English or Spanish/English.

Peer Review Process

After the preliminary formal review, the editorial board forwards the work to the autonomous judgment of at least two evaluators (“double blind” method), whose areas of competence and academic background are related to the theme of the text. If there is disagreement between the referees, the work will be evaluated by a third referee.

At the end of the process, the authors will receive communication regarding the evaluations, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the referees.

There are three options:

  1. Acceptance of the article as sent;
  2. Acceptance of the article after the revisions suggested by the referees; and
  3. Refusal.

Specific problems and resources are examined and decided by the Editors.

As stated above, the International Journal of Higher Education adopts the "double blind evaluation", in which the evaluators do not identify the authors of the papers and vice versa.


The International Journal of Higher Education, starting from volume 5 of 2019, adopts the system of rolling pass (continuous publication), making the publication of the article faster. There are no issues, nor periodicity as we currently use. We will publish the approved articles in several sets in one volume per year. The full summary and editorial will be published together with the last set of articles in the volume.

Open Access Policy

This periodical offers immediate free access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to researchers and to the public in general provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Qualis/CAPES (Intermediate Evaluation - 2019) - Evaluation

In CAPES Intermediate Evaluation /2019, the International Journal of Higher Education obtained the A3 rating.

Content License

The International Journal of Higher Education adopts the policy of licensing its contents under the Creative Commons policy under the license: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

Affiliations and Partnerships

Continuous Publishing/Rolling Pass

RIESup adheres to the Continuous Publication modality.

  • The International Journal of Higher Education, starting from volume 5 of 2019, adopts the system of continuous publication (rolling pass), making the publication of the articles faster.
  • Continuous publication, or rolling pass, is the publication of articles as they are approved. There are no issues, nor periodicity. There is no closed periodicity in months as we currently have used. It is one volume per year.
  • This policy minimizes the problem of publication lag between acceptance and disclosure of the approved article, precisely because of the great demand for submissions received by the Journal. We also consider a way to give visibility and expand access to articles already arbitrated, allowing the DOI's to be edited, formatted, validated, and published continuously.              

                  The editors / September 2018

RIESup Publication Themes

The research themes of GIEPES and its affiliated groups are the publication themes of RIESup.

Higher Education Evaluation and Regulation

Studies and research studies related to evaluation and regulation processes and large-scale evaluation of higher education systems, self-evaluation and evaluation of higher education institutions, undergraduate and graduate courses evaluation, college impact on students, university social responsibility.

Curriculum and Educational Processes in Higher Education

Studies and research studies on general/liberal education, academic and professional specialization, academic experience, curricular organization of undergraduate and graduate studies, academic freedom (freedom to learn), academic advising, academic environment, presential and distance learning.

Higher Education and Internationalization

Different dimensions of internationalization of higher education in contemporary world; move from academic mobility of students, professors and researchers to mobility of program providers and international campuses; programs of internationalization of  higher education systems and of institutions of higher education in different countries; International aspects of the curricula and internationalization at home; international collaboration/competition in higher education.

  • Innovation and Technologies in Higher Education

Studies and research studies on technological innovations in different dimensions such as: organization of courses, curricula, methodologies and evaluation; insertion of ICT in the context of higher education and their importance in university education and in the production of knowledge; specificity of distance teaching and learning; role of participants in courses using different technologies and their impact on university culture.

  • University Pedagogy

Specificity of teaching and the different dimensions of the act of teaching; new meanings of pedagogical action in the context of higher education; place of lecture and the seminary; active learning in higher education; teaching in large and small groups. Evaluation of student learning; evaluation of teaching by students; academic freedom (freedom to teach); scholarship of teaching, research, service, integration, and engagement; academic profession.

  • Higher Education Policies

Higher education policies in different countries at the federal, state, municipal and private levels; educational and social impacts of the implemented political actions; entrance examination policies; financing of higher education; democratization of higher education.

Submission of articles/Quarantine

  • Submission of paper by authors without Graduate Studies

The works submitted by authors with only undergraduate training must be accompanied with co-authorship by at least one of the authors with training at the doctoral level.  Works submitted by authors with only undergraduate training, as determined by the Editorial Committee, are not accepted.

  • Authors Quarantine

The journal does not publish collaborations by the same author(s) in the same edition consecutively. Only after 18 months we will again accept a new submission for a new evaluation process.

Journal history

The International Journal of Higher Education [RIESup] initiated in 2015 as a four-monthly electronic scientific publication of the International Group of Studies and Research in Higher Education (GIEPES) of the Faculty of Education of UNICAMP and of the Ibero-American Network of Studies and Research on Policies and Processes of Higher Education – RIEPPES. In 2018 the Journal migrated to the system of continuous publication (rolling pass) to accelerate the access to the publications of the approved articles. The purpose of the Journal is to disseminate studies, research studies, and innovations on higher education, aimed at researchers, teachers, professionals, students, and the public with interest in the field of higher education. It focuses specially on issues related to higher education in the Ibero-American cultural and geographical space.

The Journal is headquartered at GIEPES, which is a group with solid experience in studies and research on topics of higher education policies that have been much debated lately  in  several countries, such as: the European Higher Education Area, the recent curricular reform at Harvard University, the long successful experience of the general education program of Columbia University, the great books curriculum of Annapolis College in Maryland and of many other American Colleges, the research networks of great American Universities, the World Class Universities, the internationalization of higher education, the internationalization of the liberal arts curriculum, the Brazilian University Reform Project and the university reforms in Ibero-American countries. The scientific contribution of GIEPES is in publishing monographs, papers and books, promoting events, seminars and debates, advising master and doctoral students and supervising post-doctoral scholars.

The Higher Education Studies and Research Group (GEPES) was formally created on October 28, 1992 at the Faculty of Education of UNICAMP. Its main functions were to carry out studies and research on higher education, particularly in Brazil, promote events and seminars, advise master and doctoral students, and publish articles and books. The GEPES was the foundation of GIEPES with added dimensions and perspectives.

In 2008, professors and researchers of Graduate Programs of Education from Universities of the South Region of Brazil, previously doctoral students linked to GEPES at UNICAMP, organized Regional Groups of Studies and Research in Higher Education in their own institutions, and are developing joint researches in a network form. The research groups affiliated to GEPES/UNICAMP were: GEPPES-SUL, based at the PPGE of UNOESC/Santa Catarina; GEPES-UNIVALI/Santa Catarina; GEPES-FURB/Santa Catarina; GEPES-URI/Rio Grande do Sul; GEPES-UNIOESTE/Paraná. This research network system with multiple perspectives, made possible research works of national and international repercussion. This expansion transformed GEPES/UNICAMP into NATIONAL GEPES, based at UNICAMP.

In 2015, when NATIONAL GEPES began to accept affiliated international groups, it added an international dimension to its original conception and became an International Group for Studies and Research in Higher Education (Grupo Internacional de Estudos e Pesquisas em Educação Superior/GIEPES). The groups previously affiliated to GEPES migrated to become affiliated to GIEPES.

The studies and research studies carried out by GIEPES and its affiliated groups comprise the major issues currently faced by universities.  In these years of existence, they have  produced reports and published books and articles on different aspects of higher education, notably on higher education policies, university administration and planning, institutional evaluation, undergraduate and graduate education, teacher training, university pedagogy, course pedagogical project, student life and university reforms. Their works have also dealt with the epistemological parameters of modernity and post-modernity, as well as with the trend toward market-oriented university service, especially for foreign students, taking place in Europe, the Americas and Oceania.

In addition to these areas, GIEPES has recently contributed to studies on curricular issues, notably regarding General/liberal Education as the first component of undergraduate education and the European higher education policy in what is called the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). As a research group, it has maintained contact with similar national and international research institutions and has contributed to scientific studies and publications in the form of articles and books and to the formation of master and doctoral degree students.

As of the second issue of 2018, the International Journal of Higher Education became a bilingual publication (Portuguese/English or Spanish/English) and, from volume 5 of 2019, began to adopt system of continuous publication (rolling pass).

The Cataloging of the Publication is prepared by Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB-8ª/5447