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Continued formation to higher education teacher of university of vale do Itajai: the look of trainers of Gepes/Univali
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Continued formation to higher education. Trainer’s role. Training to their peers.

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KUROSHIMA, Kátia Naomi; PEREIRA, Yára Christina Cesário; DACOREGGIO, Marlete dos Santos; HOHMANN, Claudia Kuinta Dias; LUZ, Sueli Petry da. Continued formation to higher education teacher of university of vale do Itajai: the look of trainers of Gepes/Univali. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 2, n. 2, p. 366–381, 2016. DOI: 10.22348/riesup.v2i2.7618. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This experience report presents the five trainer look belonging Study and Research Group in Higher Education -GEPES/UNIVALI, for Continued Formation Program to Higher Education by University of Vale do Itajaí – CF-UNIVALI. The main objective aims to highlight relevant experiences of trainer teachers with their peers in that program. Specific objectives are: reflect to its meaning, identify the positive aspects, describe conflicts, tensions and difficulties and provide essential aspects in the training. The main reasons for the preparation of the article are: be a trainer in CF-UNIVALI is challenging, mainly because it is a work with their peers: the need to socialize experience, about the training performance, given the few publications. Its methodology showed changes in its operational formats since its implementation in 2000, whose teaching participation was voluntary. Workshops, lectures, conferences, round table, experience reports, video conference, distance education activities, and others, include institutional and specific themes, during the months of February and July, in three shifts, in all campus. Based on content developed in this article, we have as final consideration, that, to be a trainer is to exercise and transit in the field of attitudes, skills and competences of teaching, be reflective and researcher teacher, talking and overcoming the challenges and pedagogical confrontation, in support of human and social development and quality of higher education, established at institutional education policy. It is hope that this article contributes other reflections, studies and research on the role of the trainer in this type of training.
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