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The restructuring policy of federal universities and the institution of innovative formative models
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Higher education
Expansion of higher education
Educational models

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MINHOTO, Maria Angélica Pedra; BELLO, Isabel Melero. The restructuring policy of federal universities and the institution of innovative formative models: UNIFESP in analysis. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 5, p. e019013, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/riesup.v5i0.8652915. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


In 2007, through Decree No. 6,096, the Program to Support the Restructuring and Expansion Plans of the Brazilian Federal Universities, known as REUNI, was instituted in Brazil. Its main objectives were to expand the higher education enrolments, raise the conclusion rates and reduce dropouts rates.Shortly before REUNI, the Universidade Federal deSão Paulo (UNIFESP) had already started an expansion process and later joined the program, further expanding the number of courses, campusesandenrolments. Parallel to the undergraduate coursesthat traditionally offered, the university implemented newonesand with different academic training models, amongthem, the so-called Interdisciplinary Bachelor degree(BI). In view of this scenario, the article analyses the different UNIFESPacademic training models in order to understand the extent to which they favor the rates of permanence and conclusion amongtheir students. In order to do so, data related to enrollment, academic performance, dropoutrate and academic success rate were analysed consideringthe differentacademictraining models. The analysis showsthat alternative models alone do not extend permanence and conclusion rates among the studentsand do not improve student academic achievement, not even inBIacademic training model. Finally, it is emphasizedthe importance of knowing better the new students profile and their basic needs.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))


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