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Higher education in the context of the post-communism
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))


Higher education
Czech Republic

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NASCIMENTO, Carolina Monteiro de Castro; OLIVEIRA, Amurabi. Higher education in the context of the post-communism: the case of the Czech Republic. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 00, p. e022012, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/riesup.v8i00.8658718. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Studies on higher education have expanded in Brazil in recent decades, which has been occurring concurrently with the growing internationalization of the debate. Despite these advances, it is clear that there is still little literature available in Portuguese on higher education in certain latitudes, such as, for example, countries that were part of the communist bloc and its transformations after the end of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). In this article, we analyze the case of the Czech Republic, presenting the transformations experienced in the context of post-communism and its entry into the European Union. Starting from the Czech example, we seek to highlight how socio-historical experiences shape the dynamics of higher education, stressing the asymmetries of the “global community” and emphasizing, at the same time, how investment in educational policies in this field is also capable of changing this reality.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))


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