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National education plans (2001-2010 and 2014-2024) in the field of higher education
ZANFERARI, Talita.; ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de. Os planos nacionais de educação (2001-2010 e 2014-2024) no campo da educação superior: avanços e/ou recuos. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2019. ISBN 978-85-7591-550-9. 14 x 21 cm. 136 p.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))


Higher education
National education plan
Educational politics

How to Cite

RODRIGUES, Diego Palmeira; FREITAS, Silmara Terezinha; PEZAVENTO, Karla. National education plans (2001-2010 and 2014-2024) in the field of higher education: advances and / or setbacks. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 8, n. 00, p. e022005, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/riesup.v8i00.8660972. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The reflections, studies and research on higher education are important especially those that address public policies, let alone when the analysis is made in relation to the National Education Plans (PNEs) which are the guidelines that underlie the development of policies and actions for Brazilian education over a period of a decade. And this is what the authors Talita Zanferari and Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida do in their book “The national education plans (2001-2010 and 2014-2024) in the field of higher education: advances and/or setbacks”, published in August from 2019 by Editora Mercado de Letras, in Portuguese and also available in Spanish on the Network of virtual libraries of the Latin American Council of Social Sciences – CLACSO. Making a brief presentation of the authors of the work: Professor Talita Zanferari holds a master's degree in education from the University of the West of Santa Catarina – Unoesc, where she works as a professor, and is a member of the Study and Research Group on Higher Education in the Southern Region – GEEPES SUL and the Network of Studies and Research in Higher Education Processes and Policies – RIEPPES Unoesc/Unicamp. Professor Dr. Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida has a post-doctoral degree in Politics and Science and Technology from the State University of Campinas – Unicamp, coordinates RIEPPES Unoesc/Unicamp and GEPPES SUL, is adjunct coordinator of the International Higher Education Group – GIEPES -Unicamp and adjunct editor of the International Journal of Higher Education - RIESup, and serves as a member of WG 11 - Higher Education Policy of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education - Anped for 30 years. This book is the result of a research carried out in the Master's thesis modality that analyzed the goals for higher education in the last two PNEs that comprise the periods 2001 – 2010 and 2014 – 2024, respectively, discussing their setbacks and progress.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))


ZANFERARI, Talita.; ALMEIDA, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de. Os planos nacionais de educação (2001-2010 e 2014-2024) no campo da educação superior: avanços e/ou recuos. Campinas, SP: Mercado de Letras, 2019. ISBN 978-85-7591-550-9. 14 x 21 cm. 136 p.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Revista Internacional de Educação Superior


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