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Equity and disparities in Brazilian Higher Education
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Higher education
Educational policies
Educational equity
Regional disparities
Academic performance

How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, Carlo José Freire Oliveira; PESSOA-GONÇALVES, Yago Marcos; RODRIGUES, Wellington Francisco. Equity and disparities in Brazilian Higher Education : insights from the CAPES University Talent Award. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 00, p. e025042, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/riesup.v11i00.8674950. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction: the CAPES University Talent Award (CUTA) recognizes students with remarkable cognitive development through annual assessments within Brazilian Higher Education (BHE). Objectives: this study aims to investigate the geographical distribution, scope, and institutional funding patterns for CUTA awardees. Method: we collected data using an Information Access Portal and sourced geographical and funding information from the e-Mec portal. We conducted geospatial analysis by normalizing absolute frequencies. Results: the average number of awardees over three years for every 10,000 BHE entrants through the National High School Exam followed this distribution: South Region (17.33), Southeast (17.21), Northeast (13.57), Midwest (8.17), and North (5.75). Sergipe displayed the highest average performance with 119.65 awardees, while Roraima did not record any awardees. The average concentration of awardees in a few municipalities, especially in the capital (62.97%), indicates regional educational inequality. In the scope area, the Health Sciences led averaging 56.6% of awardees, while the humanities (4.27%), Social Sciences (4.27%), Linguistics, Literature, and Arts (0.7%), alongside Agricultural Sciences (0.4%) exhibited the poorest performance. Public institutions exhibited higher participation rates (90.9%). Conclusion: these findings underscore the need for educational policies promoting equity and addressing regional and institutional disparities within BHE.
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VIDEO (Português (Brasil))


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Carlo José Freire Oliveira, Yago Marcos Pessoa-Gonçalves, Wellington Francisco Rodrigues


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