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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished, in addition to not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • The text must strictly follow the journal's formatting requirements according to the instructions for authors, found in the section About the journal.
  • Certify that ORCID has been registered. The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at:

Author Guidelines

General notes: Articles for evaluation must be submitted online, on the journal's website. The procedures for registering the author and remitting the respective article for evaluation will be specified there. The author must complete the entire registration, including institution, city, country and metadata. Submissions without registration and properly filled metadata will not be accepted. Due to the large number of texts received, Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos will give priority to articles by authors with a minimum PhD degree. Only exceptionally, at the discretion of the editorial team, the work of doctoral students will be evaluated.

1. The text must be written in one of the following languages: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish.

2. Send the text, with a maximum of 25 pages, in two versions: WORD and PDF. The text can only contain an attachment of a maximum of 1 page.

3. The text must be typed in WORD, line space 2, Times New Roman 12.

Note: the Word file must be sent as the main document, and the PDF file must be sent as a supplemental document.

4. In phonetic transcriptions, the symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) should be used, preferably the following fonts: ARIAL UNICODE MS, LUCIDA SANS UNICODE, DOULOS SIL UNICODE, CHARIS SIL UNICODE, GENTIUM UNICODE. Pages must be numbered.

5. Respecting the "Blind Review" evaluation system, the identification data of the author(s) should not be included in the article submitted to Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, as well as the text of the article should not contain references that allow authorship identification.

The full name(s) of the author(s), academic affiliation and email address must be inserted in the ONLINE SUBMISSION - USER REGISTRATION section.

6. Resumo and Abstract/Resumen/Resume: after the title, the abstract in Portuguese and abstract in English of up to 300 words must be included, typed in line space 1, font Times New Roman 11.

Details about the abstract:

* The first abstract must be written in Portuguese; the second, in a language different from the language used in the article:

* if it is in Portuguese, the second abstract must be in Spanish (RESUMEN), English (ABSTRACT) or French (RESUME). If the article is written in Spanish, the second abstract must be in English or French; if it is in French, the second abstract must be written in Spanish or English; if it is in English, it must be written in French or Spanish.

7. Keywords: After each abstract, there must be three keywords in the languages ​​in which they are written, preceded by "Palavras-chave", "Keywords", "Mots-clés" or "Keywords", in bold.

8. References (according to the rules of ABNT-NBR-6023/2018) must contain only the works cited in the text.


  • 9.1 As a form of standardizing authorship, the CADERNOS DE ESTUDOS LINGUÍSTICOS Committee made it mandatory to include the ORCID iD in the act of submission. After the first analysis, before forwarding it for evaluation, manuscripts that do not have the informed ORCID in the system will be notified to include the identifier record, and must contain information on academic background and employment bond (employment, in case you have) at the moment of registration.
  • 9.2 The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at:
  • 9.3 You must accept the standards for presenting the ORCID iD, and include the full URL, including the expression "http://" in your registration, right after the email (for example: 0000-0002-1825-0097). Click here to see the registration tutorial. ORCID registration of all authors is mandatory.


Proposals for thematic dossiers should be sent to the journal at the email address:

The guidelines for submitting proposals are the following:

((i) detailed description of the proposal, with context and justification;
(ii) originality and comprehensiveness of expected contributions;
(iii) detailed description of the thematic axes of the dossier;
(iv) potential academic and scientific impacts of the dossier in the national and international context;
(v)information regarding the presence, considered essential, of articles in a foreign language in the dossier;
(vi) information about the organizers of the dossier, such as titles, institutional affiliation, field of work (the participation of at least one foreign researcher to organize the dossiers is strongly encouraged by the editorial team).

Scope of the thematic dossier: We intend to take into account proposals that do not repeat themes recently treated in other Cadernos’ dossiers or that are outside the scope of the journal (


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This journal provides public access to its entire content, following the principle that providing free access to research generates a greater global knowledge exchange. This access is associated to a growth in the reading and quotation of the works of an author. For further information regarding this approach, please access the Public Knowledge Project, the project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of research, distributing the Open Journal Systems ( and other support software to the publication system for the public access to academic sources.