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A proposal for a description of the MESSAGE system in the functional discourse organization
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Speech structure
Discursive flow
Textual metafunction
Message system

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FIGUEREDO, Giacomo Patrocinio. A proposal for a description of the MESSAGE system in the functional discourse organization. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 61, p. 1–23, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v61i1.8653021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article investigates the linguistic functions responsible for the textual organization of discourse. More specifically, it describes the semantic-discursive message system, which responds by the production management and accumulation of meaning in the text. To this end, it explores the structure of discourse, having as its starting point the relationship between this and the orational grammar that accomplishes it. It then describes each system option, as well as how it operates along the textual flow, and thus assuming value in the relationships it establishes in front of other options. To promote the description, Brazilian Portuguese was used as a research language. A corpus with 100,000 tokens was compiled based on the typology of the language in the culture context. The texts were analyzed according to the structural manifestation, functional relationships between systemic options, and the meaning generated by the discursive organization of messages. In the end, the article shows how the different message options pre-select functions in the grammar, causing each message to be contextualized, incorporating the text in order to give some direction to the phase to which it belongs. The article also shows the systemic potential by which different types of text determine distinct options in grammar and textual semantics.
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