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Lexical and acoustic dimensions of variation in popular Music in english
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Corpus linguistics
Popular music
Multi-Dimensional analysis

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DELFINO, Maria Claudia Nunes; BERBER SARDINHA, Tony; COLLENTINE, Joseph Glynn. Lexical and acoustic dimensions of variation in popular Music in english: a study based in corpus. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 65, n. 00, p. e023025, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v65i00.8671801. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.

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Although popular music has received attention in linguistics, there has been little interest in describing music from both a linguistic and a musical standpoint simultaneously. Most linguistic studies focus on the verbal mode of the musical production, that is, the text of the composition (the lyrics). In this study, we seek to conduct a description of both the written text and the acoustic indices of popular music, in such a way as to provide a holistic view of this cultural product. To do so, we employed a corpus approach, through which it was possible to collect and analyze a large sample of English songs, including more than 200,000 lyrics and more than 97,000 acoustically indexed songs. The methodology was based on Multidimensional Analysis, a corpus-based approach that enables the identification of the dimensions of variation underlying a given linguistic variety. Regarding the lyrics, four dimensions were identified, each reflecting the predominance of particular discourses. Regarding the acoustic component, three dimensions were identified, each corresponding to a particular musical pattern. This paper illustrates the possibility of large-scale linguistic and acoustic description using corpus-based methodologies. Overall, the results show that popular music in English, although extremely varied, can be summarized around four textual patterns and three musical patterns.
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