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Português de moçambique ou as metáforas “à solta”



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VILELA, Mário. Português de moçambique ou as metáforas “à solta”. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 44, p. 145–158, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v44i0.8637071. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 out. 2024.


In Mozambique, the Portuguese language, associated with the promotion of national unity and consciousness, has become not only a political-administrative vehicle but also formative of communicative models and a bolster for socio-economic values. By force of the internal structure of the Bantu languages and African imagination, the Portuguese language is dragged toward new, innovative creations, where two aspects can be highlighted: the decomposition of segments of the Portuguese language imitating the Bantu phonetic-discursive sequentialization and metaphoric creation. It is this latter aspect we will be focusing on. The metaphor, provoking breaks in discursive sequence, brings cognitive contributions that are disturbing to our encyclopaedic knowledge. The metaphor, contrarily to metonymy and synecdoche, the metaphor creates categorical conflicts from which new perspectivizations result. The metaphor’s neuralgic crux is to establish negotiations between encyclopaedias. And the “encyclopaedias” focused on (“starting point” or “frame” (Pt. “quadro”) encyclopaedias) are those which result from daily life, from daily concerns, as are “corruption”, the “police” and the “politicians”, economic difficulties, the pleasures of life and the great moral principles of social life. The metaphor found in Mozambican Portuguese generally obeys the parameters of the metaphor: the concrete serves as a basis for abstract things, the physically perceptible is  transferred mentally and contemplates all verbal categories: names and verbs, adjectives and phraseologies, idiomatic expressions and proverbs. The semic and classematic aspects are object of unexpected transferences. It is a new ontology in constant gestation.


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