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Gymnastics for All

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LOPES, Priscila; LEAL, Juliana; VALIENGO, Amanda; GONÇALVES, Edvânia; GOMES, Nayara; PESSOA, Taynara. GYMNASTICS FOR ALL AND LITERATURE: REALITY, POSSIBILITIES AND CREATION . Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. Esp., p. 144–163, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v13iEsp.8637581. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


This study aims to present the possibilities of Gymnastics For All (GFA) in the actions of
PIBID Interdisciplinar Ler e Ser of UFVJM, which was a project approved by Capes and
initiated in 2014, targeting in make contributions to the readers formation of literature for pleasure in Basic Education. Thereunto, we performed a literature review, linked to the
project proposal, assuming that the formation of the literature reader is a commitment to
all areas. Thus, the courses of Pedagogy, Language Portuguese/Spanish,
Portuguese/English and Physical Education of UFVJM initiated an interdisciplinary
work, through the actions of PIBID Ler e Ser, aiming to integrate literature and body
through GAF. We presented, throughout this paper, theoretical concepts related to literary
studies, to GFA and its articulations, as well as some actions proposals of PIBID:
stimulus to undergraduates and basic education teachers for participation in study groups;
discussion about the importance of using the highest number of body expressions
modalities in the proposals of reading encouragement; stimulus for those involved in the
elaboration of artistic productions that communicate with works or literary texts that
were read, among others. The considerations are still preliminary, but enablers of bold
actions and results, both theoretical and practical.
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