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Gymnastics For All
Coreography composition
General gymnastics

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SCARABELIM, Maria Letícia Abud; TOLEDO, Eliana de. A PROPOSAL FOR AN ANNOTATED TEMPLATE TO ANALYZE THE CHOREOGRAPHIC COMPOSITIONS OF THE GYMNASTICS FOR ALL: FIRST TESTING . Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. Esp., p. 181–196, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v13iEsp.8637583. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


The General Gymnastics (GG) or Gymnastics for All (GFA) is becoming increasingly
popular in varied social contexts, and manifestations of it are expressed mostly by means
of choreographic compositions (CC). However, empirical observations show that little
investment has been made in the faculty's continuous education or in teacher training
courses concerning both the GFA and the CC, be it in Physical Education and Sports
Sciences Undergraduate Courses, be it in specific courses within the GFA area. This lack
of support has had an impact over CC, which can be seen in important events held in the
country. With this in mind, the aim of our study, still in progress, is to collaborate with the
coaches and inform them on their CC, by giving them feedback via annotated templates.
Far from being an evaluation method or a process to homogenize the CCs (since this
approach is contrary to our view of GFA), our aim is to contribute to the improvement of
teachers' and gymnasts' ability to perform, enhancing their individual and collective
qualities through the reflection on their work, along with the GFA principles.
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The Conexões: Educação Física, Esporte e Saúde Journal uses the license of Creative Commons (CC), thus preserving the integrity of articles in an open access environment.


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