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Physical Educations
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MELO, Ana Claudia Raposo de; MARTINEZ, Abertina Mitjans; LUNARDI, Claudia Cruz. INCLUSION IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: VIEWS OF FAMILY. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 4, p. 125–146, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v11i4.8637595. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The opinion of the family can also portray expectations regarding the participation of their
children in physical education classes or even in school routine, which are the objectives of
this study. Participants 130 families of students with special needs, which were assessed by
questionnaire. The results showed that the vast majority of these families are women,
where the mother is the most caring. The exemption from physical education classes
occurs by different factors, including medical advice. The vast majority of families
(90.9%) are in favor of participation of students with special needs in physical education
classes, even agree that such participation promotes inclusive education, although 40% of families are unaware of the activities. The opinion of the family, the school's participation
in the process of inclusion of students with special needs in physical education classes and
seen as absent for 76.5% of families and 94.1% indicate the need for improvement to
appropriate care. The family pointed to the benefits of inclusion in physical education
classes physical, psychological and social negative aspects included the inadequacy and
difficulty of participation in the activities proposed by the teacher, and the teacher's
unpreparedness, beyond prejudice.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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