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Physical Education
Pedagogical practice

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MALDONADO, Daniel Teixeira; BOCCHINI, Daniel. THE THREE DIMENSIONS OF CONTENT IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: THEMATISING FIGHTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOL. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 4, p. 195–211, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v11i4.8637599. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


This study describes the experience of a project in Physical Education classes where
authors tematizaram fights. Held during the 1nd half of 2012 for students in the 5th grade
of elementary school, a public school located on the east of the city of São Paulo, the
research was to focus on the three dimensions of content. In procedural dimension students
experienced some struggles (judo, sumo, fencing, boxing and capoeira) in accordance with
the possibilities of material, infrastructure and motor skills in the school context. In
conceptual dimension were conducted lectures, film analysis and discussion so that
students understand the historical context, the main rules and physical abilities used in
these bodily practices. Attitudinal dimension in discussions were held involving the
differences between fighting and train a body of practical struggle and reflections on
violence existing in the UFC/MMA. After completion of the project, students built a differentiated view of the struggles undertaken , understood the history, rules and strategies
to participate in these modes of struggle and reflected on the importance of experiencing
other cultural manifestations of body movement in public school.
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