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Coaches training
Parana state coaches

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CORTELA, Caio Correa; ABURACHID, Layla Maria; SOUZA, Sílvio Pinheiro; CORTELA, Debora Navarro Rocha; FUENTES GARCIA, Juan Pedro. INITIAL ANDCONTINUINGTRAININGOFTENNISCOACHESIN PARANA STATE . Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 2, p. 60–84, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v11i2.8637617. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.


This study aimed to know who the Parana state tennis coaches are, how they made their way
until they began their careers and they turned into professionals. In order to collect this
information, at first a survey was made and validated, and it was made specifically for this
purpose. Took part in this sample 58 coaches with average age 32,5±9,9 years old. For the
data analyses was used the software SPSS 20.0. Having access to this data, it was possible to
verify that the class of the Parana State tennis coaches, mostly, is composed of men who
began their careers around the age 19,1±4 years old, after having worked catching the balls. In
general, these coaches show a good technical level being classified as 1st or 2nd classes in the
ranking of FPT. The most reported to be attending or have been majored in Physical Education Major, shown a great interest in the continuing training, provided by the massive
presence in training courses offered by CBT and wishing to take part in the postgraduate
courses in the sport. The initial and continuing training of the trainers has shown to be
influencing in a significant way the income these professionals earn, being more decisive than
the game technical level that was shown.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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