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Ballroom dance
Hearing and visual disorder
Social inclusion

How to Cite

ZANIBONI, Lilian Fátima; RODRIGUES, José Augusto. BALLROOM DANCE: SOCIAL INCLUSION AND PERSONAL FULFILLMENT . Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 11, n. 2, p. 223–239, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v11i2.8637625. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.


This study describes the process as did the teaching and learning ballroom dancing with a
person with hearing and visual disorders. For this purpose, we did a longitudinal analysis
of the classes performed between J. A. R., the teacher, male, 37 years old, and his student
W. L. W, female, 52 years old. The results show that the teacher developed and adapted
some technique to interact with your student; he used sign language on the left hand of
your pupil. Besides the communicative effectiveness of this technique, we observed that,
after school ballroom dance, the student has to present a better posture, physical agility,
more physical balance, and a significant improvement in self-confidence, which resulted in
a new communication strategy and more active social life for her. We conclude that the
teaching and the learning of the ballroom dancing, when based on knowledge that underlie
the bio-psycho-social of the human body, provides much more than technical and
(re)production steps. Allows overcoming physical, emotional and social, and can facilitate
the inclusion and personal fulfillment.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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