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Health assessment before physical exercise
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Motor activity
Physical examination
Cardiovascular diseases
Death sudden

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ROSA, Claudio Damião; PROFICE, Christiana Cabicieri. Health assessment before physical exercise: main protocols and updates. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 17, p. e019014, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v17i0.8649550. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


Background: The regular practice of physical exercise (PE) is understood as the main non-drug form of preventing diseases and improving quality of life. Pre-exercise evaluation is critical to a safe and effective practice. Objectives: This study aims to address the relevance of health assessment, its main protocols and the updates of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Methodology: The term "pre-participation health screening" was used to search the PubMed database and Google Scholar. Results and Discussion: In accord to literature, information obtained through the pre-participation evaluation facilitates the choice of the most adequate and safe exercise. The main pre-participation health protocols are usually based on the presence of symptoms of or cardiovascular, metabolic and renal diseases. The news ACSM’s recommendations indicate that in the pre-participation evaluation it is more appropriate to consider the presence of signs or symptoms of cardiovascular (CVD), metabolic or renal diseases, the  individual’s current level of physical activity and the desired exercise intensity. Conclusion: Considering the news ACSM’s recommendations, it is possible to decrease the barriers to begin a physical exercise program and still ensure exercise safety.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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