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Between the technical and pedagogical action in GFA2
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OLIVEIRA, Michelle Ferreira de; GOMES, Lohany Cristina do Nascimento; DE SOUZA, Lidia Acyole; VIANEY, Nayara Lima; IWAMOTO, Thiago Camargo. Between the technical and pedagogical action in GFA2: elements for reflection on the construction of a proposal for GFA based on the experience of a group from the university of Goiás. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 4, p. 465–485, 2017. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v15i4.8652119. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper intends to present experiences and outcomes of a university group of Gymnastics for
All, which exists since 2010 at the State University of Goiás, named Cignus. The group have
based its construction and pedagogical action from the practice of Gymnastic for All, and from
that we propose the reflection over the practice process, the technical and pedagogical action in
GFA. The theme become relevant when questions were put as the center of concerns and
debate: is the technique the most important issue in the practice of GFA? Was the process of
exclusion eliminating the possibility of a pleasant and practical gymnastics in school spaces?
These two interconnected questions led to two reflective moments, respectively: the first was a
field research among State school teachers to understand the absence of Gymnastics in schools
within the current context and the second, the systematization of reflections on the actions
performed through an extension project and comprehension of a proposal that not only
prioritizes the technique, although uses it as a methodological basis.The methodological
approach was done by documenting the project organization, reviewing literature and also by
field research. As a result, we understand the GFA as an important content for the Physical
Education field and the teacher’s training process, as for the reintegration and reframing of
Gymnastics in the State of Goiás.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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