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School curriculum and search for recognition
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School curriculum
Mutual recognition
Basic education

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SILVA, Mauro Sérgio da. School curriculum and search for recognition. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 17, p. e019018, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v17i0.8655084. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Objective: To present reflections concerning the School Curriculum of the city of Aracruz-ES from seven schools with raised Ideb in 2013. This paper seeks to problematize the idea of a single curriculum, highlighting some implications for the practices in the contexts situated and the search for recognition as a motivating element of the teacher's commitment to learning. Methods: We develop a research of ethnographic aspect. We establish analysis on the basis of the theory of the recognition of Honneth (2003). Results and discussion: We identify in the participant schools of the study, that the respect to the diversity and the idiosyncrasies foment a contextualized work, propitiating the collective construction of the Curriculum, condition that makes responsible and implies the citizens with the learning to if seeing contemplated at different moments of the process. Conclusion: This approaches the citizens of its objectives and desires in the experience of the Curriculum and potencialize the development of the mutual recognition, according to Honneth (2003).
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