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The circus activities in physical education classes and children multiple disabilities
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Disabled people
Games and toys
Physical Education

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GUIMARÃES, Haunny Torisco; SOUZA , Jair de Amorim; LIMA, Robson José de; LEITE, Victor Martins; EDA, Daniela Matielo de Carvalho; SILVA, Leopoldo Ortega da. The circus activities in physical education classes and children multiple disabilities. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 17, p. e019027, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v17i0.8655860. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction: The topic of this experience report comes from the fact that the circus classes and the disabled children are still a challenge for some Physical Education teachers. Objective: of this research was describing a pedagogical experience with the circus manifestations in Physical Education classes, and meditate on the participation of a kid with multiple disabilities. Therefore, university students of Physical Education Degree perform a didactic-pedagogical experience considering the content of circus manifestations, directed to preschoolers of a group with a student with multiple disabilities. Methodology: The experience was performed in a public school in Mauá city (SP), and constitutes lecture classes, corporal activities, dialogue circles and activities in the classroom (drawing activities). Results and Discussion: The experience has shown to be a way of approaching the circus content in the Physical Education classes, prioritizing the diversity and inclusion. Regardless of the children’s limitations, specifically the kid with multiple disabilities. Conclusion: The content related with the circus manifestations shows to be a possibility democratic classes a with critical slant.
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