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The game in the work one hundred years of solitude
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Motor interaction
Motor goal
Motor praxeology

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HERNÁNDEZ MORENO, José; CASTRO NÚÑEZ, Ulises; DÍAZ DÍAZ, Rómulo. The game in the work one hundred years of solitude: analysis ethnomotor. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 18, p. e020024, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v18i0.8659430. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.


This article attempts to highlight some of the ethno-motor characteristics of the games mentioned in García Márquez´s novel, Cien Años de Soledad. Motor praxeology was used to analyse the characteristic ethnomotricity features of the games mentioned in the novel, using observational content analysis and "ad hoc" categorisation. Four variables of ethnomotricity typology were analysed: type of game, type of motor interaction, the aim of the motricity and the gender playing the game. These four variables gave rise to a total 19 categories, fifteen of which correspond to internal logic and the remaining four to external. 42 games were identified with most relevantly 73.8% ludic motor games and 33.3% relating to moving from one place to another. 26.2% of the interaction was psychomotricity and 35.7% sociomotricity. 35.7% of the ludic activities could be considered to be of a mixed nature, for the variable of gender. This analysis of the ethnomotricity of the games mentioned in the novel allows for the social context of the novel to be better characterised.
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