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Language, body and physical education
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Physical education

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FENSTERSEIFER, Paulo Evaldo; JOHANN, Maria Regina. Language, body and physical education: the always insufficiently said. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 19, n. 00, p. e021023, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v19i1.8662114. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction: The article deals with language and its entanglements with the theme of the body and the pedagogical responsibility of Physical Education within the Area of Languages. Methodology: It has as reference a critical-hermeneutical perspective of a bibliographic nature, it retrieves fundamental concepts of Western culture, such as physis, logos, pathos, it resorts the legal frameworks of Basic Education in Brazil. Results and discussion: It recognizes, in objectifications in practical situations linked to the senses, the dignity of different forms of language. Not limiting itself to the universe of a scientific reason, nor to the immediacy of sensitive impulses, it maintains that the languages that make us human are strained between logos and pathos. Referring to the specificity of the area of languages, it highlights the formative character of these languages, by giving space for sensitivity channels to emerge beyond the cognitive-conceptual. Final considerations: It affirms the body as the basis of our understanding and compreheension of the world, which requires a worldly reason that dialogues with contexts and is capable of building a common world. It bets that knowledge, emerging from language experiences, allows an ethical-aesthetic, expressive and reflective knowledge, in a relationship of belonging and estrangement with tradition.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Paulo Evaldo Fensterseifer, Maria Regina Johann


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