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Physical education pre-service teachers’ beliefs
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Physical education
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RISTOW, Leonardo; BACKES, Ana Flávia; BRASIL, Vinicius Zeilmann; PIEMONTEZ, Bruno Roberts Martins; RAMOS, Valmor. Physical education pre-service teachers’ beliefs: a systematic review. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 00, p. e022044, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v20i00.8670675. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 sep. 2024.


Introduction: Beliefs are individual mental constructions, developed from significant experiences, which determine most decisions and actions. In the last fifteen years, research on professional training has focused on understanding the influence of beliefs on learning and professional practice in Physical Education. Objective: Analyze the scientific production on the beliefs of future Physical Education teachers. Methods: A systematic review was carried out in which 28 articles were selected and analyzed using the content analysis technique. The types of beliefs investigated were categorized a posteriori. Results and discussion: As a result, it is highlighted that the participants of the analyzed studies: believe that Physical Education has as main objective the development of physical conditioning; they believe that the teaching of Physical Education and sports should prioritize technique; have high self-efficacy. Assuming the ability of beliefs to influence the acquisition of new knowledge and change in the pedagogical behavior of future teachers, it is essential that teacher educators and undergraduate courses develop strategies in which academics can “test” their beliefs. Final considerations: From the diagnosis, future teachers must examine and verify if the beliefs are related to their behaviors and if they are aligned with adequate pedagogical practices.
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