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Gymnastics for all in dialogue with nursery teachers
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Child rearing
Child day care centers
Education, continuing

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PRESTA, Michelle Guidi Gargantini; AYOUB, Eliana. Gymnastics for all in dialogue with nursery teachers . Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 00, p. e022034, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v20i00.8670976. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


Objective: This article is related a doctoral research that aimed to reflect on gymnastics for all (GPT) in early childhood education, based on a proposal for continuing education in GPT developed with a group of nursery teachers from the municipality of Monte Mor -SP. As part of the investigation, we offer a 30-hour course, from April to September 2018, entitled “New possibilities for corporal practices: gymnastics for all at nursery”, in the context of the municipality’s continuing education policy. Methods: Regarding the methodological path, we adopted the perspective of narrative research and the interpretative method of the indiciary paradigm for data/findings analysis. The forms of records used were: the researcher's field diary, each participant’s registration book, writing letters, images (photos and videos) and video recording of the final conversation wheel. Results and discussion: From the analysis of the process lived and the records, we have called three points for dialogue: what the teachers want and need in continuing education; think of teaching practice as a reverberation of the course; and perceptions about gesture, the body and the GPT in nursery. Conclusion: We conclude that knowing and experiencing the GPT provided the construction of new perspectives for gestuality, for one's own body and to think about development possibilities of this corporal practice in the context of the nursery. We hope that new researches involving GPT and early childhood education will be carried out, so that this theme is strengthened and reaches new paths.
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