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Itineraries in Pibid and in RP
capa 2023 com foto das primeiras edições da revista impressas
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Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships
Pedagogical residency
Teachers - Training of
Urban Schools
Rural Schools

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OLIVEIRA, Tiago Henrique de; NIQUINI, Cláudia Mara; CORDEIRO, Leandro Batista. Itineraries in Pibid and in RP: between urban and rural schools. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e023015, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v21i00.8674017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Objective: The present article sought to understand, based on graduates of the Physical Education (EF) course from an university in Minas Gerais, the impacts of the Institutional Program of Initiation Scholarship to Teaching (Pibid)and the Pedagogical Residency (RP) on the initial training of graduates in EF and the experiences lived in urban and rural schools. Methodology: Using a qualitative approach, this case study involved applying a questionnaire and conducting semi-structured interviews to collect information. Results and discussion: Among different aspects, highlighting that the participants were involved in at least six months in each program, we recorded important points about both programs, highlighting the experiences of Pibid at the beginning of the teaching degree in urban schools and their daily routines, and particularly the RP, which took place in a rural school, allowing the participants to experience the challenges of na institution with fragile infrastructure, the difficult displacement of teachers to school and the social vulnerability of students. Among the different speeches and experiences, we found that entering both environments, urban and rural, made it possible to understand schools in the plural, in accordance with the environment and its characteristics, each school being unique, with its particularities, challenges and strengths. Conclusion: Finally, we emphasize the importance of immersing undergraduate courses in the rural area, not only through programs, but, in projects, internships and teacher training processes.
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