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Labour precariousness, the meeting and new developmentalism
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REUNI. Neodesenvolvimentismo. Professor`s labor. Precarization. Neo-liberalism.

How to Cite

ANDRADE, Antonia Costa; LUCENA, Carlos; BARLETA, Ilma Andrade. Labour precariousness, the meeting and new developmentalism. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 1, p. 234–257, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v18i1.8645868. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article in be centered at the FHC’s government and Lula’s government and in the reframe of the “neo-desenvolvimentismo”, took the REUNI as a reference, in educational terms, with the target to realize a comparative study between those governments, bound in the changes of “neodesenvolvimentismo” and its impacts in the society and the education. The research was divided in two parts: the first one analyses the FHC’s government and the beginning of the Real Plain. The second one, for its time, debates the Lula’s government, showing its assumptions, continuities and ruptures with the FHC’s government and the final emphasis in the public superior education project of expansion named REUNI. Were surveyed primary sources manifested in the newspaper of that time, government documents and the discourse’s analyses of the most important actors about the project in question. What we demonstrate is that the government of Lula did not break with the monetarist logic inherent of the FHC’s government; in witch was expansion of the private superior education, showing precarizations’s projects of the professor’s condition of work. In the Lula`s government, the process of internalization of the public University showed the contradictions of the student’s access to the superior education, however in also degraded conditions to the development of Science and Technology.
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