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Acoustic performance of vertical partition in gypsum block: an evaluation in field and laboratory
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Acoustic Performance. Gypsum block. Sound transmission loss.

How to Cite

SILVA JÚNIOR, Otávio Joaquim da; RÊGO SILVA, José Jéferson do; PINHEIRO, Marco Antonio Silva. Acoustic performance of vertical partition in gypsum block: an evaluation in field and laboratory. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 5, n. 2, p. 15–21, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v5i2.8634534. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2024.


With the implementation, of the Brazilian Standard of Performance of residential buildings, minimum performance values as the sound insulation between rooms began to be required. In the search to meet these requirements, many builders have invested in obtaining results of sound reduction index of the partitions masonry ceramic bricks or concrete. However, building elements such as walls in gypsum blocks have not been the subject of such investigations with so much encouraging. In northeastern Brazil, where there is a large concentration of natural deposits of gypsum, many buildings are made of gypsum block walls, due to the climatic conditions of the region and low cost of the material. Considering the lack of information of acoustic properties of the walls in gypsum blocks, this paper presents values of the sound reduction index prepared for two walls constructed of massive plaster blocks 10 cm thick, both tested in the laboratory according to established methods on international standards ISO 10140. The results obtained of the walls evaluated in the field attend minimum requirements of the Brazilian standard of performance (40 dB), only as a wall between independent dwelling units, in situations where there is no dormitory room. In the laboratory, the same wall meets the minimum requirements if it is built as a blind wall of rooms and kitchens from a housing unit and common areas of eventual transit such as hallways and staircases of the floor (39 dB). The field results are superior to those obtained by the laboratory test, contrary to the standard of performance expected. This reinforces the importance of conducting the field test.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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