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Energy efficiency in naturally ventilated classroom buildings
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Energy efficiency simulation
Public buildings
Natural ventilation

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OLIVEIRA, Wagner Costa; CUNHA, Eduardo Grala da; LEITZKE, Rodrigo Karini. Energy efficiency in naturally ventilated classroom buildings . PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 11, p. e020015, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v11i0.8655373. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Normative Instruction 02/2014 was published in 2014 by the Ministry of Planning, Development, and Management. It binds building design and retrofit of public buildings with more than five hundred square meters of area, to be developed according to the National Label of Energy Conservation level A of the Technical Standards for the Quality of Commercial, Services and Public Buildings (RTQ-C). This paper’s objective is to verify if the energy efficiency level in classroom buildings, which were bidden by Federal Institutions of Higher Learning (IFES), meets the NI’s resolutions and, if not, how they can be improved. Following RTQ-C’s protocol, ten naturally ventilated buildings, bidden by four different IFES, were analyzed. Simulations were run verifying the hypothetical energy expenditure if the buildings were air-conditioned. As a result, 60% of the buildings met the highest grade of energy efficiency, complying with the NI. In non-compliance, small modifications such as the replacement of fluorescent light tubes by LED lights and dual flush toilets are enough for the projects to reach the level A-label.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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