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Thermal influence of the green facade on the internal environment
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Vertical garden
Green facade
Bioclimatic strategy
Thermal performance

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DIBA GONÇLAVES PADOVAN, Leonardo Diba Gonçalves; FONTES, Maria Solange Gurgel de Castro; BARBOSA, Murilo Cruciol. Thermal influence of the green facade on the internal environment. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 00, p. e022005, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v13i00.8661203. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


Among bioclimatic strategies, the use of vegetation has taken on a major role due to its effectiveness in reducing surface and indoor environmental temperatures and, consequently, reducing building energy consumption. In this context, this work shows the results of a study whose objective was to identify the contribution of green facades - vertical garden typology that uses climbing plant species - in the thermal performance of working environments in hot weather conditions. To this end, an experimental study was carried out on a university campus in Ourinhos-SP, a city with a subtropical climate and hot summer, by implementing a green facade on the west facade of a university office, built of concrete blocks and metal roofing. The study included the implementation of a green facade with the climbing plant Ipomoea horsfalliae Hook; microclimatic measurements (air temperature, relative humidity and air speed inside and outside the offices) in the office protected by the green facade and in a similar one (in size and orientation), which served as a control (without green facade). The analysis of the results shows the potential thermal mitigation of the green facade since the average air temperature of the office with the presence of this strategy showed an average reduction of 4.4 ° C to the control environment.
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