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Impacts of climate change on the thermal and energy performance of Brazilian residential buildings


Climate changes
Thermoenergetic performance
Thermal comfort
Energy efficiency
Building envelope

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MACHADO, Jéssica de Mello; MALTA, Nayara Salera; BUSSOLOTTI, Victor Moura; FERRÃO, Ariane Louzada Sasso; NICO-RODRIGUES, Edna Aparecida; ALVAREZ, Cristina Engel de. Impacts of climate change on the thermal and energy performance of Brazilian residential buildings. PARC Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 00, p. e022025, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/parc.v13i00.8665832. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Climate change points to a future scenario of heterogeneous projections of terrestrial warming. In this context, buildings are responsible for a significant portion of the global energy consumption, aimed at maintaining the thermal comfort of the occupants, especially when it cannot be obtained through passive conditioning strategies. The objective of the research was to compare the impact of climate change on comfort, thermal performance and energy consumption of a naturally ventilated multifamily building proposing to adapt the windows and vertical envelope system to the local climate. Manaus, Vitória, Brasília and Porto Alegre were selected to carry out simulations of a Real Model - representative of existing buildings - and an Optimized Model - which incorporates recommendations from NBR 15575 and passive conditioning strategies. The climatic scenarios considered were the present (based on the historical period 1961-1990) and future (2020s, 2050s and 2080s). The results showed that, in future scenarios, there is an increase in the number of hours of thermal discomfort due to heat, both in the Real Model and in the Optimized Model. In general, the Optimized Model minimized thermal discomfort, mainly in the current period and in the 2020 time slices, but it showed, from the 2050s, a reduction in the ability to provide comfort, considering the adoption of passive conditioning strategies. It is ratified that NBR 15575 could include parameters for future climate projections, adapting buildings to the climate and containing anthropic climate changes.


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