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In-service teacher training in a city on the urban region of Vitória/ES
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Inventive training
Permanent education

How to Cite

BARROS, Maria Elizabeth; FERRAÇO, Carlos Eduardo; DEBENETTI, Carmen Ines. In-service teacher training in a city on the urban region of Vitória/ES: an aesthetic exercise. Pro-Posições, Campinas, SP, v. 31, p. e20170120, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The article deals with the experience of a training course for elementary school teachers of the municipal education system in the city of Serra in the state of Espírito Santo / Brazil. It aims to contribute with the conceptual and methodological formulation of educators’ training in schools, considering that formative processes are not reduced to its informational dimension. Following this direction of analysis, the training of professionals enabled the consolidation of a collective space for dialogues about work in school. The formative experience carried out also enabled the creation of ways to think of the changing reality, the existence-happening of life in schools, from a perspective, according to which, thinking is not to represent by a previously given world but rather creating oneself and other worlds. The dialogue of meetings took place from the experiences at the school in conversation circles. The formative process aimed to create educational practices grounded on living and its expansive dimension.

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REMOTO (Português (Brasil))


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