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Intellectual mediators and the internationalization of knowledge
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Swedish gymnastics
History of education
History of physical education
Body education

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BONIFÁCIO, Iara Marina dos Anjos; MORENO, Andrea; BAÍA, Anderson da Cunha. Intellectual mediators and the internationalization of knowledge: Kumlien and the swedish gymnastics (1895 - 1921). Pro-Posições, Campinas, SP, v. 33, p. e20200098, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Between the 19th and 20th centuries, a strong movement of internationalization took place at the Stockholm Central Institute of Gymnastics (GCI), relying, among other actions, on the mobility of individuals from Sweden to other countries. Ludvig Gideon Kumlien (1874-1934) moved from Sweden to Paris and developed different actions to promote Swedish gymnastics. By mobilizing the notion of mediating intellectuals, our objective was to analyze the dissemination strategies undertaken by Kumlien in France between 1895 and 1921, using French newspapers and gymnastics manuals as sources. We conclude that Kumlien, in his encounter with a new culture, designed strategies to overcome the resistance against the Swedish gymnastics; however, he did not abandon the modus operandi of the individuals trained by the GCI.

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