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Engaged development and play-theater in the constitution of the collectivity
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Engaged development
Affective-cognitive perezhivanie

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LIBERALI, Fernanda. Engaged development and play-theater in the constitution of the collectivity. Pro-Posições, Campinas, SP, v. 34, p. ed0420210077, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

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Learning spaces must engage with real life to create possibilities of being, acting, feeling, living in the world in order to guarantee the individual’s social mobility to intervene in the world. Hence, this work proposes the concept of “engaged development” to discuss the role of play in shaping the multitude in an outreach program. To do so we center two episodes of a didactic proposal on the theme of housing, through the play-theater, as a basis for teaching-learning processes. Play-theater, based on the vygotskian perspective and inspired by boalian theater games, consists of a collaborative artistic-performative activity, of which the real engagement with life and intentional expansion makes it a locus for experiencing the creation of dramatic events refracted as affective-cognitive experiences, essential for assuming a position in the world. The Critical-Collaborative analysis of the episodes reveals that play-theater promotes engaged development, opening paths for individual transformation and acting in the world.

REMOTO (Português (Brasil))


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