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Basic principles of relational, dialogical and collaborative research
REMOTO (Português (Brasil))


Relational research
Collaborative research
Social constructionism

How to Cite

SOUZA, Rita de Cássia de. Basic principles of relational, dialogical and collaborative research. Pro-Posições, Campinas, SP, v. 32, p. e20180125, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This articleessay, based on the social construcionist perspective, aims to present a methodological possibility for research based on relational, collaboration and dialogue principles. The text presents the theoretical bases of this perspective and is influences in carrying out scientific research. A relational research, that can also be defined as dialogic or collaborative, has as its center of attention the relationships between people, dialogue and collaborative work. Although its principles may be useful for various types of research, we tend to consider them to be much more concerned with research involving human beings, especially in the Social Sciences and Humanities. Theoretically, these researches are based on so-called postmodern perspectives that have as characteristics the criticism to the foundations of Modern Science as well as the social constructionism studies that assume that any knowledge is socially constructed. On the contrary, they invite researchers to open up new dialogues with their research subjects, inviting them to become co-constructors of research, creating spaces of inclusion and diversity within of scientific studies.

REMOTO (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2021 Rita de Cássia de Souza


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