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The philosophy of the question in the way of formation of yourself
A Revista Filosofia e Educação dedica este numéro à divulgação da seleção de artigos encaminhados para a seção de fluxo contínuo durante o ano de 2021. Considerando a variedade temática, esperamos que o títulobde "Filosofia da educação e ideias pedagógicas conemporâneas" permita sinalizar os conteúdos que abrangem desde as práticas de ensino, as correntes filosóficas que permeiam o debate pedagico até as perspectivas éticas na formação e no exercício da profissão do educador.
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Philosophy and education
Philosophy of the question
Life's philosophy

How to Cite

LIMA, Jose Aparecido de Oliveira; MATOS , Junot Cornélio. The philosophy of the question in the way of formation of yourself. Filosofia e Educação, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 2, p. 9–22, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/rfe.v14i2.8670257. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The talk of this article rests on a philosophy of the question! Perhaps we should, from now on, express that the more we problematize and we ask about something, more we have the possibility to understand it better. In this process, the purpose of this article is to emphasize the human being's journey to self-knowledge by ask yourself. We mean we can't be worried in just having  of answers, and yes in reiterating the practice of the question. Now, the more we turn our gaze to our way of living life, more we have the opportunity for an intimate encounter with ourselves. Questioning oneself can affront an indolent way of life. Therefore, all the reality that we confront it refers to our way of acting in the world. Based on the thought of Michel Foucault (2010), we will deal here with the questions of life as a horizon for the formation and transformation of the human being, in what we will emphasize as a way of living life.
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