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Entrepreneurship and engagement in higher education students
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VÍDEO (Português (Brasil))



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MACHADO, Pedro Guilherme Basso; PORTO-MARTINS, Paulo Cesar; VOSGERAU, Dilmeire Sant´ Anna Ramos. Entrepreneurship and engagement in higher education students. Revista Internacional de Educação Superior, Campinas, SP, v. 10, n. 00, p. e024011, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/riesup.v10i00.8666248. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction/Objective: This study aims to identify the levels of entrepreneurial potential and academic engagement in students from two higher education institutions. Methodology: It is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional research, using descriptive, psychometric, correlation and means differences analyzes. The sample consisted of 442 academics from different courses from two higher education institutions. The data collection instruments used were: sociodemographic questionnaire, Scale to Identify Potential Entrepreneurs and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-Students.  Results: The results showed adequate psychometric quality of the scales and moderate indices for both engagement and potential entrepreneurs. Still, significant correlations were found between the dimensions of entrepreneurial potential and academic engagement, which denotes that these constructs are involved. There is evidence that these variables are associated and can be functional for the development of strategies and academic and professional actions, in different contexts, that promote socioeconomic development, even with students who do not come to exercise entrepreneurial practices. Psychometric quality of scales of still incipient studies was also verified. It is highlighted that no studies were found using the scales used concurrently. Both entrepreneurial potential and academic engagement are relevant themes, especially in the academic scenario, aiming at preparing students for the job market in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. Conclusion: The identification of relevant variables in both the organizational and educational scenario, since the entrepreneurial potential and engagement are capable to increase performance and well-being in the most diverse contexts.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ÁUDIO (Português (Brasil))
VÍDEO (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2022 Pedro Guilherme Basso Machado, Paulo Cesar Porto-Martins, Dilmeire Sant´ Anna Ramos Vosgerau


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