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Invisible women. Principles to a reconstruction of the architectural discourse
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Mulher. Arquitetura. Discurso.

How to Cite

MONTEIRO, Paula. Invisible women. Principles to a reconstruction of the architectural discourse. URBANA: Revista Eletrônica do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre a Cidade, Campinas, SP, v. 7, n. 2, p. 55–64, 2016. DOI: 10.20396/urbana.v7i2.8642604. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The discourse has promoted the male figure as the main actor in the field of Architecture. In Portugal this reality was kept until the mid-twentieth century, moment when first women architects have graduated. Although the circumstances begin to change, becoming the architecture a profession that tends for gender parity, the paths of these pioneering architects, who broke prejudices are still far from the authorial protagonism. The implications of this transformation can become even more evident when, considering the new concerns of the discipline, the revision of history and its protagonists becomes increasingly relevant, with revealing potentials to a new perspective over the profession, of a new reality.


Woman. Architecture. Discourse.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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URBANA: Revista Eletrônica do Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos sobre a Cidade utiliza a licença do Creative Commons (CC), preservando assim, a integridade dos artigos em ambiente de acesso aberto.


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