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Cleft sentences in Brazilian Portuguese
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SILVEIRA, Damaris Matias. Cleft sentences in Brazilian Portuguese: formal aspects of focusing structures in the light of the cartographic program formal properties of focus structures from the perspective of the cartographic program. Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, Campinas, SP, v. 63, n. 00, p. e021023, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/cel.v63i00.8661297. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper aims to investigate the formal properties of the canonic cleft structures in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). Such sentences are used to focus syntactic constituents through A-bar movement and the presence of a copula and a complementizer in order to provide emphasis to the focalized constituent. The main aspect of the formal properties of the cleft sentences is the convergence possibilities between the verb ser (be) and another elements of the sentence in terms of agreement and tense. The canonic panorama in PB is the agreement of the copula with the focus and the tense harmony with the thematic verb. On the other hand, BP – but not European Portuguese (EP) – licenses cleft constructions without such convergences. This phenomenon led some authors to defend that, in this case, the copula was gramaticalized into a focus element, once it would figure in the invariable form é (is). We will provide evidences to postulate that there is no gramaticalization involving the copula of the clefts in BP and propose that the canonic cleft has always a verbal copula, that project an argument structure (IP), even when it appears to be invariable. The same is not observed in the é que-clefts ones, with the focus on the initial position of the sentence. This type of cleft would have a functional copula.
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