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PIBID as a fertile field for the practice of the graduate in Dance and the formation of his teaching identity
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))


Dance teaching graduation degree
Teachers formation
Dance teachers identity
Basic educational level

How to Cite

LAMBERT, Marisa Martins; COSTAS, Ana Maria Rodriguez; SHIMOURA, Carine Gusson; DOMINGUES, Mayara Borges Carneiro. PIBID as a fertile field for the practice of the graduate in Dance and the formation of his teaching identity. Conceição/Conception, Campinas, SP, v. 7, p. 110–124, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/conce.v7i0.8653789. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


This work presents reflections, based on the experiences of the authors, graduates in Dance and former scholarship participants of the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID), integrating Unicamp’s Dance Subproject, in relation to the formation and development of the teaching identity of the future Dance/Art teacher. It is understood here as identity the individual's vision about teaching Dance and their perception of Dance as an area of knowledge, be it in processes of mediation or in the awakening of the sensitive and the creative. In addition, it is intended to discuss the need for the occupation of PIBID Subprojects by undergraduate students, as a way of expanding practical teaching experience and a form to consider research in the teaching field for spaces outside the University. It addresses the insertion of the teacher in training in the school environment with the premise of providing autonomy and confidence in their teaching, stimulating the creation of their own methodologies / tools appropriate to the pedagogical proposals under development. Subject to its thematic particularities, this article includes a dossier that intends to unravel some of the numerous issues related to the need for expansion and continuity of the Teaching Degreein Dance.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))


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