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Science and technology
Usain Bolt
Nissan GT-R

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ZOBOLI, Fabio; NOVA, Jéssica Vitorino da Silva Terra; SANTOS, Suely Oliveira dos; MENEZES, Eduardo Carvalho Gomes de. USAIN BOLT AND THE MACHINE BODY: ASSOCIATIONS AND METAPHORS OF THE NISSAN GT-R COMMERCIAL. Conexões, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 2, p. 54–82, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/conex.v13i2.8640655. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.


The metaphors of the body as a machine suffered historical transformations under
conditions given by science/technology. At first, the metaphor shows up as a “clock”,
advances to a “steam engine” model and, at present, assumes the condition of a “chip”. So,
this article aims to analyze the metaphorical elements of a commercial which establishes a
relation between the body and the machine through the symbolic manipulation of the
athlete/sprinter Usain Bolt and the super sportive car Nissan GT-R, respectively. Through a
qualitative exploratory descriptive approach, was made an analysis of the media product
using the film analysis from four aspects: 1) mechanical and anatomic perspectives; 2)
velocity and aerodynamic; 3) performance and its technologies; 4) records, titles and
awards. The results indicate that the commercial metaphorizes Bolt’s body as a machine observed in the anatomical and physiological aspects, mixed with mechanical and
technological artifacts of the Nissan GT-R.
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