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The learning evaluation at the Dr. Brasil Caiado primary school in Anápolis/GO (1926-1929)
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Primary school. Learning evaluation. Anápolis.

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ABREU, Sandra Elaine Aires de; GONÇALVES NETO, Wenceslau. The learning evaluation at the Dr. Brasil Caiado primary school in Anápolis/GO (1926-1929). Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 1, p. 70–89, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v18i1.8651607. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The learning evaluation processat the Dr. Brasil Caiado Primary School (current Antensina Santana State School), from Anápolis-GO, from 1926 to 1929, was regulated by the Primary Education Regulation, of January 27 of 1900 and by Law n. 613, dated August 2 of 1918, from the state of Goiás. This legislation initially draws attention to the absence of the term "evaluation" or "learning evaluation" in its content. However, it doesn't mean that the learning evaluation process didn't exist. In these terms, the central question and the objective of this research were to describe and analyze the learning evaluation process of the Dr. Brazil Caiado Primary School from1926 to 1929. The delimitation of the period is justified by the fact that the first date is the year of foundation of the educational unit and 1929 the last year of the Regulation of 1918validity, once the new instruction regulation date 1930, changing the regulatory dispositions of the education in Goiás. Were used the bibliographic research and documentary analysis, privileging the legislation and the Book of Minutes of the examinations of the Primary School. The mechanisms of the learning evaluation at the Primary School in Goiás, were based on the computation of absences to classes, analysis of the discipline (here understood as behavior and application) and the exams (of promotion and final) that defined the approved and disapproved. School failure was significant in the unit of education during the study period.
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