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The experience of automatic promotion in the Xavier da Silva School Group: 1965-1969
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School archives and sources. School group. Automatic promotion.

How to Cite

MIGUEL, Maria Elisabeth Blanck. The experience of automatic promotion in the Xavier da Silva School Group: 1965-1969. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 2, p. 483–494, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v18i2.8652210. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This text presents is discussed in the school groups of Curitiba, especially the School Xavier da Silva, between 1946 and 1971. From the data found in the school sources an automatic promotion experience report lived in the School Group which was carried out from 1965 to 1969. The purpose of this experiment was to reduce the rate of disapproval and to attend to a larger number of students who failed. The analysis of the data reported is based on Thompson (1981), Bloch (2001), Farge (2009) and Mainardes (1998, 2009), UNESCO Recommendations (1934-1977) and reports of the Xavier da Silva School Group (1969-1982). The methodology based mainly on historical documentary research considers the school sources as indispensable documentation to have access to the life of the school, and as such, to the experiences lived in that pedagogical space. However, they are taken as traces within the meaning of Bloch (2001). It is also considered the articulation between the singular and the universal, in the case the singular is represented by the experience of the School Group, the category of the universal is represented by UNESCO. These categories are mediated by the National Institute of Pedagogical Studies at the national level and the Center for Educational Studies and Research at the state level. It is concluded that the possible contributions of the teachers were not considered for the effectiveness of the experience and that it followed the directives of the Center for Studies and Educational Research, INEP and UNESCO Recommendations.
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