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Renovation of marxism in Argentina
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José Aricó
Pasado y Present Magazine
Gramsci and Latin America

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MELO, Alessandro de; MAROCHI, Ana Claudia. Renovation of marxism in Argentina: José Aricó and the pasado y presente magazine. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 20, p. e020026, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v20i0.8655089. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The article aims to analyse a part of the work of José Aricó (1931-1991), who was an Argentinean intellectual, founder of the Pasado y Presente magazine and one of the great introducers of the ideas of Antonio Gramsci in his country and in the Latin America. What if it pretends to study is the reception of the work Gramscian by the author in the movement of rupture of Aricó and his group with the Communist Party Argentine - PCA, which took place in the end of the years 50 and beginning of the years 60. The most important feature in the reception of Gramsci's ideas during that period and in the Argentine juncture was the renewal of Gramscian Marxism in relation to the practice and theory of the PCA, notably Stalinist, according to the evaluation of the Cordoba Group, of which Aricó was one of the great exponents. With the study of the thought of José Aricó, we intend to apprehend two different processes: first, analyse his reading of the Gramsci's work in his critique of Positivist Marxism, which led him to be expelled from the PCA, along with other gramscian`s members. On the other hand, it provides the possibility of making more dense and articulated readings with the realities of our countries. The main object of the reading are the two manifests published by Aricó in the Pasado y Presente magazine, in the years 1963 and 1964, through which we can understand what is meant by the renewal of Marxism in the author's work.
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