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Paulo Freire, more than ever, unavoidable and indispensable
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Paulo Freire

How to Cite

DANTAS JUNIOR, Hamilcar Silveira. Paulo Freire, more than ever, unavoidable and indispensable. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e021009, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v21i00.8656976. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


What would justify the writing of a biography about Paulo Freire 22 years after his death and 51 years after the publication of his most important book, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed"? We already have biographical studies of the eminent educator from Pernambuco, such as the works of Moacir Gadotti (1996), Maria José Vale (2005), Carlos Rodrigues Brandão (2005), Tom Wilson, Peter Park and Anaida Colon-Muñiz (2010), in addition to the deep historical elegy written by his companion of recent years, Ana Maria de Araújo Freire (2005). What brings as a novelty, the study of Walter Kohan (2019), "Paulo Freire, more than ever: a philosophical biography"?
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BRANDÃO, C. R. Paulo Freire, educar para transformar: fotobiografia. São Paulo: Mercado Cultural, 2005.

BRASIL. Lei n.º 12.612, de 13 de abril de 2012. Declara o educador Paulo Freire Patrono da Educação Brasileira. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 set. 2019.

FREIRE, A. M. A. Paulo Freire: uma história de vida. São Paulo: Villa das Letras, 2005.

GADOTTI, M. (Org.). Paulo Freire: uma biobibliografia. São Paulo: Cortez: Instituto Paulo Freire, 1996.

KOHAN W. Paulo Freire, mais do que nunca: uma biografia filosófica. Belo Horizonte: Vestígio, 2019.

VALE, M. J. Paulo Freire, educar para transformar: almanaque histórico. São Paulo: Mercado Cultural, 2005.

WILSON, T.; PARK, P.; CÓLON-MUÑIZ, A. (Ed.). Memories of Paulo. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2010.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Hamilcar Silveira Dantas Junior


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