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The fragile brazilian democracy
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Military Dictatorship

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MOURA, Maria Lenúcia de; MACHADO, Charliton José dos Santos; BEZERRA, José Eudes Baima. The fragile brazilian democracy: reflections from Valter Pinheiro’s biography. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e021018, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v21i00.8658447. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


This text has as its object of study the trajectory of Valter Pinheiro during the 1964 dictatorship, and aims to be a point of reflection on democracy, being directed especially to young people today, imbued with the democratic struggle, in the context of the deepening of the capital crisis, of which the anomalous Bolsonaro government is an expression. The present work intends to observe the threads that link the life of the biographer to the context of the time in question, seeking in this relationship between biography and context to contribute to the portrait of the youth of 1964 involved with education, bringing a reading not only of political / educational activism. of the biographer, but also of the educational institutions through which he passed. The sources used are primary materials from interviews conducted throughout the course of this work, as well as secondary materials such as official Truth and Justice Commission documents. We postulate that, like the 1964 youth, today's youth will know, beyond the conservative and surrendering devices of our media, to dissuade themselves from the web of submission imposed by social networks and, to the tune of denunciations of arrangements to undermine our fragile democracy, to fight for the return in the framework of the bourgeois struggle, denied today by the same bourgeoisie or perhaps to tread ways beyond this bourgeois postulate that certainly does not meet the interests of the working class, thus tracing new forms of sociability.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maria Moura, Charliton Machado, José Bezerra


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