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The pedagogical discourse and the democratization of education
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Pedagogical discourse
Cultural arbitrariness
Charismatic ideology
Social reproduction

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HOURS, Germán; LESCANO, Eliana. The pedagogical discourse and the democratization of education: a look from the perspective of Pierre Bourdieu. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 00, p. e024027, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v24i00.8676027. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Pierre Bourdieu has undoubtedly made an important contribution to educational theory. Despite its acute analysis, the educational system seems to resist seeing the importance of these, becoming visible, at present, that the objects of study that it addressed are still valid. For this reason, this text aims to establish relationships between some of the main notions proposed by him, to highlight the relevance of his legacy to the educational field; a field that increasingly shows more inequality. From a critical and up-to-date perspective, this paper intends to present, in a synthetic but acute way, some of the relationships that Bourdieu finds between his ontological conception of the social, and the educational system and process, in particular from understanding his perspective. about the school, that is, as an institution that generates a certain symbolic violence and the implication that it has in the reproduction of certain class differences that are manifested in the social heart. Treatment that, for the purposes of this approach, will focus on some approaches of those who subscribe to this text from taking categories such as: pedagogical discourse, naturalism or charismatic ideology and democratization of education as conceptual nuclei.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Germán Hours; Eliana Lescano


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