About the Journal

Focus and Scope: MODOS Journal is a specialized publication in the field of Visual Arts, especially dedicated to publish research discussing art theory, art critique and art history. Emphasising the production, critique and historiography of the visual arts in their various dimensions, it focuses on places of exhibitionthe circulations, the collections and the narratives that organise how we perceive, interpret and promote artistic production and the artistic objectsMODOS is associated to six art and visual arts postgraduate programmes (UNICAMP, UFRJ, UnB, UFRGS, UFBA and UERJ). The journal is open to articles, interviews and reviews of different topics, as well as thematic dossiers, organised by researchers invited by the editorial commission or by the editors.

Articles should be original, based on unpublished findings. The articles should contain a critical review of existing literature through the analysis and interpretation of relevant bibliography and discuss methodological problems concerning the arts.

It will also publish original reviews (EX-POSIÇÕES) analysing, interpreting and criticising exhibitions that occurred in the past two years in Brazil and abroad in the areas of interest for this journal.

MODOS invites, in the Mounting section, artists-researchers to submit researches that discuss the exhibition and its umpacto in the constitution, divulgation and reception of the work of art.

MODOS can publish original interviews with people whose research or professional accomplishments are relevant to knowledge in the area of arts/history of art.

The journal will publish (through invitation) essays, visual essays, poetical texts and experimental projects.

The journal’s editorial team will refuse work that is outside the visual arts and related topics; work presenting research projects, reports or personal accounts; adapted versions of published material; as well as articles that do not follow the format set for publishing. The journal evaluates texts by doctors and, occasionally, by masters.

MODOS Journal will publish original texts in Portuguese, Spanish, English and, occasionally, French.

Peer-review evaluation process: MODOS receives submission of original texts. The first stage of evaluation is the pre-analysis, where the editors verify the suitability of the text and its relevance to the scope of the publisher. We will only send submitted material to reviewers if it follows the demands for publication (scope and format).

The evaluation is made by at least two peer-reviewers, specialized in the work’s field. The journal follows the principle of blind review. The reviewers cannot be from the same institution(s) as the author(s). In case of identification of conflict of interest on the reviewer’s side, the editorial team will send the text to another reviewer ad hoc. The authors do not have to pay a fee for submission or review.

Reviewers can give one of three possible recommendations: a) approved; b) approved with corrections; c) refused. In each of these cases, the author will be notified.

The authors will have access to the reviewers’ assessment within a maximum of one year after submission.. In case changes are recommended, the author should re-submit the text in no more than 30 days for re-evaluation by the editorial and scientific board. In case of disagreement between the assessments of reviewers, a third reviewer will be contacted.


MODOS Journal is published every four months.

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Catalogação na Fonte elaborada por Gildenir Carolino Santos - CRB-8a./5447