Pragmatismo utópico
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Palabras clave

Cartografía transcultural estético-ética
Nuevas institucionalidades emergentes
Labor textil ch’ixi

Cómo citar

VERGARA, Luiz Guilherme. Pragmatismo utópico: textile labor/coincidentia oppositorum. MODOS, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 2, p. 481–515, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/modos.v6i2.8668503. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


As a means of approaching the topic of new institutionalities this text weaves together a number of interrelated philosophical, activist and sociological contributions as a living form of a process of “text(ile) labor": the cosmos, concept, and praxis of ch’ixi of Silvia Cusicanqui; opposites and fusions of coincidentia (or coincidatio) oppositorum; Denise Ferreira's principles of non-locality and the Entangled World; Merleau Ponty's quiasma, Veronica Gago's cuerpo-território, and Silvia Federici's re-enchantment of the world through the resumption of a politics of the common. Underpinning these contributions is the question of the undoing of demos that Tatiana Roque and Josué Medeiros address in their exploration of the contemporary crisis of democracy through the collapse of its institutions of citizenship comprised in three key ruptures: those of trust, legitimacy and authority. Other important references similarly approaching the entanglement of the world and its potential possibilities and impending disasters include the paradigmatic turns, surrounding the Gaia hypothesis, of Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock and Fabio Scarano’s re-reading of these turns in Gaia's Regenerants. Other textual and conceptual threads are also interwoven such as Hélio Oiticica's Devolver a terra à terra (Return the Earth to the Earth), his last artwork known as Contrabólide, suggesting a transtemporal, ethical and planetary notion of devolution. Inspired in ch'íxi this “text(ile) labor” proposes understanding the devolutionary potential of contemporary artistic practices - inclusive of and inseparable from the world-abyss – as a means of regenerating new or other institutionalities of Demos and Gaia.
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