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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Make sure that the submission is original and unpublished, i.e., the paper cannot have been published previously and/or be submitted simultaneously to another journal; for this we recommend filling out the PDF of the "Declaration of Originality", (item 6 below) signing and digitally attaching it to the system. Repeat for this action, the same step for uploading the submitted article.

  • Certificar-se de que o arquivo submetido está em formato Microsoft Word sem a identificação dos autores, e que o mesmo deverá ser baixado e usado o template de submissão para a estrutura do texto submetido, disponível na barra horizontal da revista. Lembrando que é obrigatório o uso do formato indicado pela editoria da revista. (Os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos estão descritos nas Diretrizes para Autores.
  • 3. Verificar se as citações abreviadas no corpo do texto e em notas de rodapé (autor, ano da publicação e, quando for o caso, página) estão completas nas referências ao final do texto, segundo as normas da ABNT, conforme as instruções para referências e citações do item 6. Todas as referências que possuam o formato eletrônico (periódicos, e-books, teses e dissertações digitais) devem indicar corretamente a URL completa no final da referência. As URL´ s muito grandes, deverão ser encurtadas pelo Encurtador -
  • 4. Certificar-se que está usando as palavras-chave padronizadas de acordo com os tesauros abaixo: Tesauro de Ciência da Informação (IBICT); Thesaurus UNESCO ou ERIC Thesaurus. O não cumprimento da inclusão das palavras-chaves padronizadas, dará autorização direta para incluirmos novos termos padronizados. Dúvidas entre em contato com a editoria da revista. [É OBRIGATÓRIO O USO DESTES THESAURUS PARA PADRONIZAR AS PALAVRAS-CHAVE].
  • 5. Certificar-se de que foi realizado o registro para apresentação de iD ORCID. O registro é gratuito, caso não tenha feito, pode ser obtido na URL: É obrigatório o registro de todos os autores do manuscrito, não apenas do primeiro autor.
  • 6. Certificar-se que foram preenchidos os formulários sobre o CRediT e Dados Complementares (Metadados). Acessar o formulário unificado em: Além desses formulários, certificar-se de que foram preenchidas e assinadas as declarações de Originalidade, Conflito de Interesses e Conformidade com a Ciência Aberta . Acessar o formulário unificado em:
  • 7. I declare that I am aware that all items of the above conditions have been met, and that in the omission of any of them I will have the manuscript returned or rejected, according to the pre-evaluation.

Author Guidelines


The journal accepts submissions on topics exclusive to: LIBRARIANSHIP and INFORMATION SCIENCE.

Librarianship is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary area of knowledge that studies the practices, perspectives and applications of methods of representation, and management of information and knowledge, in different information environments, such as libraries, documentation centers, and research centers, where these practices, perspectives and representation methods must be applied. Currently, the field is intertwined with several other fields, especially Information Science and Documentation (Adapted from Wikipedia).

Information Science is an interdisciplinary field mainly concerned with the analysis, collection, classification, manipulation, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of information. In other words, this science studies information from its genesis to the process of transforming data into knowledge.

Information Science aims to analyze the information process from its formation to the process in which data is transformed into knowledge.

There are several areas in which Information Science can be applied. Within organizations, Information Science is extremely important when it comes to the interactions between people from different sectors and between different information systems. 

We emphasize that papers submitted with only application methods, such as bibliometrics, will not be accepted. Papers should emphasize librarianship or information science, not just the method used.

Thus, we will proceed with the use of the CNPq Classification Table to establish the areas and subareas that we will accept as thematic areas in the subdivision within Librarianship and Information Science: - Information Science

  • - information theory
  • - general information theory
  • - communication processes
  • - information representation - Librarianship

  • - Classification theory
  • - Quantitative Methods
  • - Information Retrieval Techniques
  • - Information dissemination processes

In addition to the CNPq Classification Table, Information Science may make biases, provided they are linked to the journal's focus and scope, in its main areas of study, such as:

  • Data modeling and analysis,
  • Information logistics,
  • Information planning,
  • Organization Theory, and
  • Interdisciplinarity of information.

Other topics will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee.


1.1 For the presentation of tabular data see the IBGE standard, or the model in the structure of the file to be submitted (template). We ask that you keep the same formatting that is inside the template. If you change it, follow the indications in item 2 below.

1.2 It is recommended to indicate in footnotes, on the page where they are cited, the information from personal communications, work in progress and unpublished work, and they should not be included in the list of references.

1.3 In the references, use bold in the title instead of underline and italics, follow the ABNT 6023/2018 model. (See system to generate references).

1.4 The text should not exceed the limit of 30 pages. Texts over this page limit will be returned for reformulation.

1.5 The text should contain a maximum of five authors in the manuscript. Of these five authors, three must hold a doctoral degree. Authors with a doctoral degree in progress, a master's degree, a master's degree in progress, or a specialization in the field may also be included.  Works in pairs, one of the authors must hold a doctoral degree, while the other may be a doctoral student, or hold a master's degree or specialization. Unfortunately we are not accepting papers with only a bachelor's degree. Undergraduate papers will not be accepted. Author registration must follow the pattern established by RDBCI, as indicated in the Periodical Portal Registration Manual. Click here to access. In addition to the registration through the system, we request that you send us the registration and metadata filled out in the form [Click here]. To include the other authors in the site, click on the link on the right side of the screen to "Include Co-Author". Click here and see the illustrative image.

1.6 Starting with the 2021 issue, authors must inform their participation in the elaboration of the manuscript. This way we will be adopting CRediT, with the 14 contribution papers for authors. Click here to fill out the form.

1.7 STRUCTURED ABSTRACT: The body of the abstract should not contain citations. They should be removed, leaving the text clear and objective. It should contain the following items: Introduction, Objective, Methodology, Results and Conclusion highlighted in the abstract. It is mandatory to include the abstract in Portuguese and English, both in the file and in the system. It must have up to 250 words, including the items mentioned above in the body of the abstract. Follow the NBR-6028 of ABNT.

1.8 Key words are obligatory in Portuguese and English, as well as standardized with the Unesco Thesaurus and/or ERIC Thesaurus for foreign terms, and for the Portuguese language the Thesaurus of Information Science (national terms). The use of controlled vocabularies is mandatory. If a term does not exist, it will be up to the Journal Editors to decide. See Policies.

  • 1.8.1 Number of keywords: Inform at least up to five keywords in the original language and English.

1.9 By decision of the Editorial Board, if the main author forgets to include possible coauthors in the system at the time of submission, this procedure should be communicated immediately by e-mail ( or telephone (+55 19-3521-6729), even before forwarding for evaluation, since the post-evaluation communication will not be considered, and the other coauthors will not be included.

1.10 All must have the ORCID and Lattes registration informed in the Metadata Registry.

1.11 General subnote: RDBCI guarantees that at least 60% of the content of the publication is original scientific and scholarly research.


2.1 The submitted manuscript must conform to the standards included in the submission template. The use of the template is mandatory at the time of submission. Texts submitted without this structure will be returned for reformulation. Otherwise, the text will be rejected in the pre-evaluation. Keep the formatting identical to the template!

2.2 Do not identify yourself in the template, citations and references. If you are the author of the submission, identify yourself with the following examples: Author 1 or (AUTHOR 1) / Author 2 or (AUTHOR 2), and so, sequentially as it appears in the text.

2.3 Structure of section/subdivision headings:

2.1.1 Section/subdivision headings should be brief and clear.

2.1.2 The text of the manuscript should preferably be structured with the following items: introduction, method, results and final considerations.

2.1.3 Acronyms and abbreviations should be in parentheses and preceded by their full meaning when first used in the text.

2.2 Text layout:

2.2.1 Text layout should be Times New Roman 12, justified;

2.2.2 Text spacing should be 1.0, indented 1.1 (1 Tab) on the first line of paragraphs, with no spacing in paragraphs. In section headings/subheadings, give one paragraph spacing.  

2.2.3 Foreign words should be written in italics. For emphasis or emphasis use bold, 'single quotation marks' or 'double quotation marks'.

2.3 Formatting quotations

2.3.1 In the case of short direct quotations (up to 3 lines), they should be placed between double quotation marks.

2.3.2 The quotation must be preceded or followed by the indication of the source, according to the rules above, adding, also, the page(s) from which they were taken.

2.3.3 In the case of long quotations (more than three lines), the text configuration should follow: Times New Roman 10, justified, single spaced, with 4 cm indentation in the entire paragraph.

Note: Instructions and models for the preparation of Citations and References.  


3.1 At each submission, a declaration must be sent with the signature of all authors attesting that the manuscript is original. 

3.2 The letter must be filled out online [editable PDF], downloaded, signed, scanned and inserted into the system upon submission. To fill it out just click on:  "Originality Statement".

3.3 We do not accept manuscript submissions via e-mail, only in the last case, if there are problems in the system.

3.4 If you do not send the declaration at the time of submission, we will return a notification of rejection of the manuscript. It is mandatory to send it along with the manuscript.

3.5 About "Conflict of Interest":

  • They should be communicated not only by authors, but by everyone involved in the editorial process of a manuscript.
  • Editors should avoid making decisions on manuscripts that conflict with their own interests, such as those submitted by authors from their department or research collaborators.
  • Considering the possibility of conflicts of interest, the journal does not publish papers authored by the journal's own editors.
  • If the associate editors have a conflict of interest, they should delegate decision making to other editors.
  • Peer reviewers should consider any conflicts of interest before evaluating the manuscript. Working relationships with the author should be considered (e.g. participating or having participated in a research project; maintaining or having maintained scientific collaboration with research groups; having a mentoring relationship with the author; having a financial interest with the project involved in the manuscript).
  • Drive access:
  • E-mail for sending:


4.1 As a way of standardizing authorship, the RDBCI Committee made it mandatory to include the iD of the ORCID at the time of submission. After the first review, before forwarding for evaluation, the manuscripts that do not have the ORCID informed in the system will be notified for the inclusion of the identifier registration, and should contain at the time of registration, information on academic background and employment (employment, if any).

4.2 The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at: 

4.3 You must accept the standards for submitting ORCID iD, and include the full URL, accompanied by the expression "http://" (for example: See here for the registration tutorial. ORCID registration is mandatory for all authors. On the platform you can directly enter the ORCID connection, thus allowing your connection to be validated by the system.


5.1 Tables, figures, illustrations, graphs and drawings must be inserted in the text. Scanned images should be presented with a resolution of at least 300 real dpi (not interpolated).

5.2 Material from digital cameras should have at least 3 megapixels of uncompressed optical resolution (high definition module).

5.3 All images should be properly numbered and accompanied by captions and indication of source.

5.4 The nomenclature for this type of material should be: Figure with progressive numbering separated by hyphen. Example: Figure 1 - Classroom restored. The legend of the Source should be placed below the figure or graph.   Graphic).

5.5 Tables should be accompanied by a title that allows the understanding of the meaning of the data gathered, without the need for reference to the text, always placed above. Follow the IBGE norms for tables.  Indicate the source below the table.

5.6 For Charts, the nomenclature should be placed above the illustration. Example: Table 1 - The structure of the school (This information is placed above the table). Indicate the Source below the table.

Note on item 5 - Illustrations: Articles with graphs, figures, tables, and charts should be sent in a separate file, attached to the system so that we can edit them if necessary. Do not include images that cannot be modified.


6.1 All RDBCI publications will be bilingual (Portuguese and English) in accordance with our objective of internationalization. Therefore, if accepted, the manuscript should also be presented with a version translated into English. 

6.2 The translation will be mandatory for manuscripts accepted for publication and will be the responsibility of the authors.


7.1 The RDBCI editorial office informs that the deadline for receiving the originals until the final editorial decision varies from 30 to 120 days, according to the area of interest sent for evaluation.  

7.2 As the evaluation is a voluntary service for the journal, we depend a lot on the good will and availability of the evaluators.


If your submission is approved, we ask that you send us a video talking about this article, recorded with a cell phone of 1 to 2 minutes with the camera horizontal. This is a digital marketing service that we are doing, and endomarketing to divulge the works published in RDBCI, besides promoting accessibility. We advise to do it with the sound loud, and in an environment that has no noise during reading. The edition will be made by the RDBCI team. Videos should be sent by We Transfer [] by the journal's e-mail:



RDBCI obligatorily uses the following normative instructions of the Brazilian Association of Technical Norms (ABNT):

  • References - Elaboration (NBR-6023/2018);
  • Citations in documents - Presentation (NBR 10520/2002);
  • Progressive numbering of the sections of a written document (NBR-6024/2003);
  • Abstract - Presentation (NBR 6028/2003).

Note: URL's that are too long should be shortened by:

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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.